#85: CTAP Grants from the Kankakee County Convention & Visitors Bureau

Kankakee Podcast is presented by, Puter Pros, Digital World Design, and Stitch Prints in Bradley. Learn more at myputerpros.com, digitalworlddesign.com, and stitchprints.com.

Episode 85:

Nicole Gavin, the new Executive Director of the Kankakee County Convention & Visitors Bureau, joins us on this episode of Kankakee Podcast to talk about the CTAP Grants.

The Community Tourism Action Plan Grant Program is designed to help tourism-related projects that will foster and stimulate increased visitation and visitor spending within Kankakee County. This grant program is open to governments, businesses and community organizations on both small and large projects that will impact the county’s visitor economy.

There are two different levels of grants being offered through a competitive application process. The first offers grants in the amount of $5,000 – $24,999 that require a 25% applicant match. The second offers grants from $25,000 to $500,000, which require a 50% applicant match.

The application period is now open for the first cycle with applications due March 15, 2023. Applicants will be notified March 31, 2023.

The second cycle will begin August 1, 2023 with an application deadline of September 15,
2023 and applicant notification by September 29, 2023.

Download an application here: https://visitkankakeecounty.com/documents/Kankakee%20County%20CVB%20CTAP%20Grant%20-%20Final%20as%20of%201-30-23.pdf

If you have any further questions after listening to this episode, you can email Nicole Gavin at [email protected].

I’m really excited to see what types of tourism ideas get funded by the CTAP Grants!

Much Love,

Jake LaMore

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